The AI Effect

AI Club
4 min readApr 4, 2023


Before diving right into the theme of this topic, let’s just confirm if you know the correct definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

‘Artificial’ and ‘Intelligence’ are two words that, when combined, give a dynamic meaning and that is to make a machine capable of thinking and performing in the same way a human does. As amazing as it sounds, little we are aware of the fact that AI is no longer a far-fetched thought. From personalized shopping to autonomous vehicles, we practically interact with AI daily.

We penetrate AI in every department of our life and once AI does a task more efficiently than we could have done, we consider that accomplishment of AI seemingly mechanical and barely consider it as true intelligence. This is what the AI Effect is. A bit of a modest way of explaining the AI Effect could be — the tasks we previously thought would require powerful AI turned out to be attainable with weak AI.


Considering the parameters we discussed in the above paragraph, it is no wonder why AI scares some people. They think of it as some fatal 3D object. AI’s intelligence puts them in self-doubt. What if it outweighs human intelligence from all perspectives one day?

But the truth is, AI isn’t made to terrify people, instead, it is self-learning software that is supposed to encourage them and make way for further explorations. However, it is also true that businesses that refrain from quickly adapting to and subsidizing the multiple of AI will be suspended by those that do. Hence, no matter what your plans are for standing out, without riding on the AI bandwagon, it would be difficult for you to steal the show.

Rapid Growth

Along with other factors, it is also true that generally, humans fail to keep up with the exponential growth of AI, maybe because they are not very used to drastic changes as it’s not so common in our daily lives.

Moreover, we are yet to realize that AI has become a big part of our lives and it is driving the success of some of the major companies in the world. AI already recommends Netflix, displays desired Facebook feeds, predicts your Google searches, transcribes speeches in real time, runs your GPS, and even certifies buyers online.

Therefore, instead of underestimation, humans should take into account that AI has grown exponentially, or else it will overtake them any time soon.

How can we reduce the AI Effect?

We keep on using AI for tasks that we have once thought to be impossible without AI and once achieved, we dump those tasks under the label of untrue AI. Then, where does that leave our theory? That the unsolved tasks are what true AI is about? Not a rational theory, right? If we continue to exploit the services of AI by not giving deserving credits, then at the end of the day, things are going to get blurry for us.

The very first thing to mitigate this AI effect is to analyze the details of those aspects which lead to its implications, such as distinguishing tasks that can be solved by weak AI from those that cannot be dealt with by weak AI. Note that this doesn’t imply anything at all about our progress toward building a strong AI.

Opportunities of AI

Once you are aware of how powerful AI has become, you should focus on how you and AI can work in tandem to uplift your business. You can start by buying the relevant AI tools that can maintain your peripheral operations. The next step is to look at how you can integrate AI into the fundamental operations of your business, such as logistics and manufacturing.

As your time is saved by AI, use that emotional intelligence that humans have and try to concentrate on improving the products and getting business ahead.


Although the rapid growth of AI has become a threat to humans, we still can’t ignore the possibilities of how much better the future it can offer to us. Thinking technically instead of foreseeing this technology, can work in our favor. We must learn to embrace AI so that we can progress and can improve the status of our personal and professional lifestyles. AI is a timesaving technology that can make your tasks be done in an efficient and designated manner without putting an extra load on manual labor, thus saving humans from extra and unnecessary burdens. Taking the right initiative would minimize the AI effect and put us in good mental health. It’s a fact that AI has magically transformed our lifestyle into a remarkable one within a short period.

Written by Laiba Kamran & Umme Hani



AI Club

The AI Club was founded by the students of NEDUET with the primary motive of providing opportunities and a networking medium for students, in the domain of AI.