AI Automation: All You Need to Know!

AI Club
5 min readMar 21, 2023


Often, laymen find it hard to decipher the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Automation, and most of the time they end up with a confused perception. But there is a way to thoroughly understand and unravel this complicated mystery step by step, starting with studying both of the terms separately.

Are AI and Automation related? Yes, they are related but they are not the same thing by any means.

Today, let’s demystify these terms and discover what happens when AI meets automation.

What is Automation?

Automation refers to the execution of human-made plans by machines. The plans contain instructions to do simple, repeatable, and predictable activities that are explicitly described by individuals.

Till now, you must have inferred that the major requisite of Automation is manual configuration and human management for effective success. It is like putting all the ingredients of the milkshake in the grinder and pushing the button. Without further ado, the work processes and the milkshake get ready in no time! And just like that, your milkshake is ready in the same way over and over again.

Paperless invoicing, job applications, recurring alerts and notifications, cloud documents, automated testing, online marketing, and sales are all the products of Automation.

Another essential aspect of Automation is constant human vigilance. Environmental changes might need organizers to manually step in and make the imperative modifications.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Unlike Automation, Artificial Intelligence allows the machine to take universal commands outlined by humans and determine its effective tricks to lead toward success. It doesn’t repeat the actions, instead, it imitates human intelligence and reasoning, empowering the system to learn, predict and suggest the next move.

AI is said to be a comprehensive term for several contrasting capabilities. Just as humans learn what works well and what fails to improve their performance over time, AI always has room for improvement too.

And what if I tell you, it can sometimes outdo humans too?

Some of the many abilities provided by AI include natural language processing (NLP), facial recognition, and computer vision, while machine learning has been recorded as the most revolutionary AI available in modern times.

After getting a brief overview of AI and Automation, you must have been well-equipped by the details to recognize a clear difference between them!

But can Automation and Artificial Intelligence integrate to be even more productive together? Let’s continue digging to know how exactly!

How are AI and Automation related?

When two master minds work together, it always results in wonders, isn’t it?

Just like that, Automation combined with AI empowers the mechanism even more by allowing increased speed, efficiency, time-savings, and ability to scale along with AI technology’s insights, flexibility, and processing power.

AI automation provides a platform for business owners to be able to simultaneously amplify their capabilities and lighten the burden of repetitive tasks on the machine. AI Automation has concluded advancements in gross customer experience.

The most remarkable aspect of AI Automation is to guard the business against any unnecessary loss for the marketers. AI Automation with its great tactics leaves little to no chance of unexpected events setting things out of control.

The key benefits of AI Automation

Autonomous Transportation

The idea of automated transportation isn’t anything new but developed AI automated systems to navigate streets and highways are a milestone hit. The idea that has been nurtured since the 1939 World’s Fair, after years of research and hard work, finally came to reality.

Workflow Automation

Automation may have done a fine job for daily routine chores such as filling in documents and giving suggestions without AI. But with the addition of AI as a human contributor or gatekeeper strengthens the work solution.

Solving Complex Situations

No doubt, without AI software can automate tasks that were an easy and understood outcome about what a human seems would do or should have done, for instance, displaying images for a required verification using conditional logic. But AI enhances the level of solving complex situations by analyzing and recognizing risks where unstructured data is involved and eventually coming up with an intelligent solution.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Another brilliant aspect of AI Automated systems is NLP. It can be referred to as the sentiment analysis of NPS responses, where an AI tool, based on its intelligence, would look through those responses and pick out any existing implicit issues. It can even dive deeper to draw out insights that could be beneficial for your purpose!

Reducing Human Errors

Humans tend to make errors when there are tasks of high volume and low-to-medium complexity as they are particularly time-consuming and tedious which triggers boredom and drives away the focus. Reviewing complex legal contracts where language is all that matters, and risky clauses can grab unwanted attention.

What future does AI Automation hold?

The outstanding change that AI Automation has brought on this planet at such a pace is unbelievable, with that said, the intent to bring further prosperity for human beings in the future by taking a few steps upwards, is simply out of question!

Automation software and Artificial Intelligence have their ways of making our lives easier, bringing different strengths to bear on business challenges. Continuous developments are being made in the field by utilizing respective strengths, intelligent modifications, and qualities.

It has been suggested that AI and software-based automation should be developed simultaneously to attain the best results. For further clarity, software designers should lay hands on historical data and subject matter specialists in an existing organization to evolve the foremost versions to launch. Once these pilot versions attain momentum, you’re capable of making iterative updates to AI models or software for extensive implementation.

Soon, you are going to witness the arrival of new technologies and existing ones will grow innovative cognitive capabilities. AI Automation will become the backbone of businesses, leading them toward more flexible operations which would uncover significant ROI from their human and robotic assets.

Written by Laiba Kamran



AI Club

The AI Club was founded by the students of NEDUET with the primary motive of providing opportunities and a networking medium for students, in the domain of AI.